Gluten-free Pork Chicken Beef Tips for the barbeque EAN Packaging Minimum shelf-life Difficulty Preparation time Suitable for Czech Product award Czech Product award Innovation award KLASA Award Guild Standard award Regional Food Product award Moravian Gate award
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Bottled pork 300 g

Code: 000069

Bottled pork 300 g

Code: 000069

Quality that remains the same. Robert Váhala senior used to make pork in its own juice. We try to ensure that this product is enjoyed by customers today just as it was enjoyed by Váhala's customers at the time of the First Republic. We make this pork product just as juicy and lean, which is why it was awarded the Moravian Gate Regional Product award in 2018.

Czech product
Váhala established 1933

EAN: 8594024650690
Packaging: 4.00 pcs.
Minimum shelf-life: 365 days